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Club Penguin - Waddle around and meet new friends!

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Whats up?

Ok so this week on cp...........

The seceret is how to catch the mullet- just before it swims past your screen grab a fish and let it dangle then when it comes it will eat it and you can reel him up! That will get you 100 extra coins.
september 17- new furniture items,
Fairy fables at the stage,
New penguin mail
Gratefull 2

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Hi guys

Heyy i am new to blogger so i may be a bit bad at it. I love playing club penguin, my penguin is over 500 days old and is a member! Thanks to bubbeboo124 for helping me start a blog i hope mine becomes as good as hers (We go to the same school). I am as mad as the mad hatter and want to be a director when i am older!!!
Gratefull 2 xxx